Know it:
Somewhere along the way, every l’il rascal starts to transform into a proper scumbag. This isn’t just a cut, it’s a rite of passage.Get it:
Have the young gentleman tell his barber he wants his hair short on the back and sides, but rather long and thick up top. The intent is to create a natural side part.Build it:
1. Shampoo with REUZEL 3-in-1 Men's Tea Tree Shampoo. (Because lord knows boys don’t stand still long enough for proper conditioning.)
2. Thoroughly towel-dry the hair.
3. Use a comb to create a side part, and then blowdry the hair on top brushing up and back as you do.
4. Scoop out a liberal amount of Reuzel Red Pomade and smooth it through the hair, working from crown to tips.
5. Now comb the whole mop back into place, sweeping the long bangs up and back over the opposite side of the head.
6. Snap a photo now, dad. Because if your lad’s anything like ours, he won’t be returning quite as clean as he left.